







    Maintenance Requests can be submitted online for any issues students may have in their residence hall or 公寓, 包括卧室的问题, bathroom, 洗衣房, 或者公共区域. Please make a request as soon as you become aware of the situation - waiting may cause more problems and more inconvenience down the road.

    IF YOU HAVE AN EMERGENCY MAINTENANCE REQUEST AFTER HOURS OR ON A WEEKEND, 联系校园警察,电话:205-226-4700. 向下滚动查看有关紧急维护报告的更多说明. 

    • Visit the 维护请求页面 to begin.
    • Enter your 澳门新葡京官网 username and password to gain access to the Maintenance Request system.
    • Step 1: 这将填写您的信息从平衡计分卡系统.
    • Step 2: Click on the drop down arrow in the Location field and select 澳门新葡京官网 居住生活. Don't skip this step or the Office of 居住生活 won't be able to help you track your request! Click the drop down arrow in the Building field and select your residence hall, 公寓, 或希腊之家. 您可以跳过区域下拉框. Finally, type your room/suite/公寓 number in the Area/Room Number field. 这是你通常写房间号的地方. 如果您正在输入对其他位置的请求, please be specific (such as “2nd floor men’s restroom to the left of the stairwell”) so that the staff can find the problem quickly.
    • Step 3: 选择最能说明你所关心的问题的图标,然后点击它. 
    • Step 4: 输入你对问题的描述. 一定要给出具体的信息, 包括问题在房间/套房/公寓的位置. 你说得越具体越好. Simply saying "the AC doesn't work" does not provide enough information. 相反,告诉我们“空调坏了。. When we turn it on, there is no air coming out of the vents and it isn't making any noise." Details allow the Operations staff to arrive equipped to work on your problem.
    • Step 5: 为您的请求选择请求的完成日期. Please remember Operations receives numerous requests each day across campus. While we will work as quickly as we can to address your concern, it may not happen the same day. 
    • Step 6: 单击Submit



    下午4:30以后发生的紧急维护问题.M. Monday- Friday and during the weekend should be reported to Campus Police immediately in order to notify the Operations On-Call Staff Member. An emergency is something that needs immediate attention to prevent loss of life, 财产损失, 或者可能对你或他人有危险(火), flood, 电气故障, 极端温度, etc.). 

    下午4点以后提交的非紧急工单.M. Monday-Friday and during the weekend will be processed the following business day.  运营办公室的工作时间是早上8点.M. 直到下午4:30.M. Monday-Friday. 


    After you submit a maintenance request, the screen will refresh to the My Request Tab. On this screen, you will see up-to-date information on your requests, including:

    • Status
    • 工单编号供参考
    • 申请工作的日期
    • 工作完成后的完成日期



    一旦提交了工作订单,就不能进行更改. If you need to cancel or update a request, please email Operations at (电子邮件保护).  Submitting a new work order is not required and could prolong processing time. 如果您对提交工单有任何疑问或需要帮助, 请联系您的住宿顾问或住宿生活办公室. If the request is an emergency, contact your Resident Advisor or Campus Police immediately.

    请注意: 为了使请求得到及时处理, Operations or Housekeeping personnel may be required to access rooms or 公寓s when residents are not home. Operations or Housekeeping personnel will always knock and announce their presence before entering any residential room or 公寓 and will always lock the doors as they exit, 不管他们进来的时候有没有锁. 



    Washers and dryers are located on the ground floor of each residence hall, 在每个姐妹会的联排别墅和兄弟会的房子里, 以及每个独立的山顶村公寓. Residents are not charged for laundry and simply have to supply the soap!

    Our state-of-the-art machines are wired to allow students to see when a machine is available, 确定高峰和非高峰时间, 当你的任务完成时,还可以给你发短信或电子邮件!



    Break housing is a service that is available to residents meeting the specific criteria during the times when the residence halls are closed, 比如圣诞节, 和春假. Each student who will need break housing during those breaks should complete the appropriate 打破住房 application when promoted by the Office of 居住生活.


    1. 国际学生;
    2. 来自美国东南部以外的学生.S. 谁不能回家.
    3. 居住在伯明翰半径45英里以外的学生, 有工作需要留在伯明翰的人. A letter from the student's employer on company letterhead must be attached to the 打破住房 application.
    4. 在休息期间有比赛的学生运动员.


    Campus safety is of the utmost importance at Birmingham-Southern College and is why we are consistently ranked among the nation's safest college campuses! 澳门新葡京官网 employs an 18-person force to ensure the safety and security of our community. 全天24小时营业, 一周七天, 一年365天, 校园警察已经准备好协助学生, faculty, 员工有车 trouble, escorts to or from buildings late at night, or help feeding your goldfish over breaks. 有关校园安全和澳门新葡京官网校园警察的更多信息,请 点击这里.

    All residence halls are locked 24 hours a day and are equipped with combination door locks; these combinations change monthly and are only provided to residents of that residence hall. 校园警察经常在居民楼巡逻.

    点击这里 有关宿舍安全指引.



    在大学校园里, backpacks are often filled with thousands of dollars of electronics and books, and student bicycles and other valuables are often targets for criminals. While theft is certainly uncommon on Birmingham-Southern College's campus, we encourage all students and families to be prepared and use sound judgment when protecting valuables. 协助:在这个过程中提供帮助, 伯明翰南方学院与GradGuard合作, a leader in the field to provide residential students a low-cost solution to 房东的保险. Birmingham-Southern College does not receive compensation as part of this offering to keep premium and deductible levels as low as possible for students. As indicated in the Housing Agreement signed annually by each residential student, Birmingham-Southern College assumes no responsibility and provides no financial protection for student’s personal property.

    毕业生守卫学院房客保险 是否有专门为学生设计的独家计划. 大约$.每天50美元,该计划包括以下功能:

    • Theft & 消防 放笔记本电脑、自行车、手机或其他贵重物品
    • 业主保险选择 意味着没有信用检查和较低的免赔额
    • 全球覆盖 意思是你的东西在世界上任何地方都有保障, even if you are studying abroad or out of the country during 探索术语
    • 责任保护 to cover you if you accidentally damage the residence hall or 公寓
    • 更换成本 如果你的旧财产被偷了,用来替换它
    • 首选率 and more!

    如欲了解更多有关GradGuad租户保险的信息,请 点击这里. All residential students must accept or decline renter's insurance as part of the housing application process.